The Chafer Beetle Resistant Lawn Blend is one lawn solution for home owners challenged by the animals that feed on the European chafer beetle, and dig up lawns in the process of hunting them. Continue reading below for some tips on how to grow Chafer Beetle Resistant Lawn Blend from seed.

Season & Zone
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Zone: This blend is hardy to Zone 4.

Sow in the period two weeks before, to eight weeks after, the last frost date. Or, in areas with mild winters, sow in early autumn, approximately eight weeks before the first frost date.

Spread the seed on bare soil, with no turf present, at a rate of 2.27kg (5 lbs) per 1,000 square feet. Seeding over existing thatch is rarely successful. Because lawn spaces tend to be large, we recommend erring on the side of caution. It’s a good idea to withhold 15-20% of seeds for filling in any bald areas later. All new plantings should be kept damp until the plants are established.

This blend of Micro-clover and Tall Fescue seeds takes a two-pronged approach at defeating the chafer beetle. This blend is meant for use with new, bare topsoil, and not for over-seeding existing lawns. Keep the newly seeded area well watered as the seedlings take root. Once established, this lawn will require regular maintenance, but it will stay greener for longer in the summer, and it will stand up to foot (and pet) traffic in areas of full sun to partial shade. Clover may go dormant over winter, and may appear to die back, so the fescue in this blend will keep lawns looking healthy and vibrant. This blend contains 95% Tall Fescue and 5% Micro-clover.