First of all, it doesn't matter: Don't worry about it.

Despite what many online sources declare, the distinction between determinate (bush) and indeterminate (vine) potatoes are not clearly defined and distract from the essentials of potato growing. This is not the same topic as bush vs. vine tomatoes or bush vs. pole beans.

The potato varieties available in Canada mostly share characteristics of both indeterminate and determinate varieties, and are considered intermediate. Our growing season is so short that the distinction is almost entirely pedantic.

West Coast Seeds does not classify determinate/indeterminate potatoes as it is not a terribly helpful classification system. For instance, all potatoes benefit from hilling up soil around the base of the plant, and will enjoy a greater soil column in which to develop their tubers. For a grower, all potatoes are planted into trenches, and all are then back-filled, at least once, after planting. Sometimes growers make a second pass, hilling up even more soil. Growers think of potato varieties in terms of maturity, not whether they fit neatly into one category or the other.

All potatoes grow well in the Potato Grow Bags.

Even the Canadian government classifies potato varieties by their relative days to maturity:
Unlike tomato plants, the distinction is not particularly informative and there is considerable crossover. Indeterminate potatoes cannot be said to form vines, and they do not continue to form new tubers after maturity is reached.
Watching the maturity of the above-ground growth of the plant is far more instructive about what to expect below ground. As the plant flowers, forms fruits, as the foliage begins to fade, and so on...

In the case of tomatoes, the distinction is highly instructive and well defined by the nature of the plant's growth. The same is true with bush vs. pole beans. With potatoes it is a lot more vague, so at the end of the day it really doesn't make much difference.

And despite the lists of determinate vs. indeterminate potato varieties that appear on many gardening web pages, we are not aware of a definitive list that can be looked on as an authoritative reference. The CFIA does not include the distinction in their listing of potato varieties grown in Canada.