Seeds To Start In February
Although it’s still cold outside and the days are still short, there are many seeds to start in February indoors. The early start means that seedlings do some essential early development, and when they are transplanted outdoors in the spring, they’ve had a head start. This is especially important for perennial flowers and woody herbs that take longer to reach maturity.
These recommendations are for the BC Lower Mainland, Gulf Islands, Sunshine Coast, and coastal WA & OR. If you live outside this area, please have a look at our other Regional Planting Charts here.
Click on the links below for full planting instructions.
Some seeds benefit from the cold of February and March, and do better if direct sown
at this time of year. Now is the perfect time to direct sow the following outdoors...
False Queen Anne’s Lace or Bishop’s Weed are common names for this attractive, naturalistic looking annual flower. Ammi grows stiffly upright stems topped by umbelliferous flowers that are attractive to pollinators and predatory insects. Flower heads can reach 15cm (6″) across, and are lovely in flower arrangements. Click here to find out how to Grow Ammi from seeds.
Broad Beans
Broad beans are a member of the pea family, and are one of the oldest known cultivated plants. Broad bean seeds are very hardy and can be planted in cold soil, no problem. Because they are legumes, they will start to fix nitrogen in the soil as they grow. An early crop of broad beans can really benefit leafy crops planted later in the same bed. Click here to learn How to Grow Broad Beans.
This annual flower is known as Chinese Forget-Me-Nots or Hound’s Tongue and is native to the Himalayas. Direct sow mid-winter (February on the coast) or start indoors late February to mid-March. Start 6-8 weeks before planting out. Direct sow again in autumn. Cynoglossum is a magnet for bees.
Annual and perennial flowering plants that have striking similarities, but a surprising range of colours and growth habits. It is easy to grow poppies from seeds. Poppies grow and then self-sow with abandon, without becoming weedy. Simply pull up unwanted plants (an easy task) before they bloom, or better yet, let them grow where they want to grow. They will thrive for years at a time in surprising spots, like a crack in the driveway.
Soon it will be time to direct sow
pea seeds and sweet pea seeds as well.
The number one secret to success when starting seeds indoors is to provide adequate light. As soon as seeds germinate, they should be put under intense, full spectrum lights. These days there are many economical lighting options for gardeners who want to start seeds indoors. Also, use sterilized seedling soil if you’re planting seeds indoors. It is designed to moderate moisture – not too much, not too little.