A relative of catnip in the mint family, catmint does not trigger the kitten-like behaviour in cats the same way catnip does. Although cats might graze on Nepeta leaves and flowers, it tends to not make them go crazy afterward.

Nepeta subsessilis
Family: Lamiaceae


Season & Zone
Season: Warm season
Exposure: Full sun
Zone: 3-9

Sow seeds indoors in February and March, and transplant or direct sow in April and May. Can also be direct sown where it is to grow in September. Bottom heat will speed germination. Ideal temperature for germination: 21-27°C (70-80°F). Seeds should sprout in 10-20 days.

Sow on the soil surface or barely covered with perlite. Thin plants or transplant to 30cm (12″) apart.

This plant does very well in containers, raised beds, or borders in full sun to partial shade. After the main bloom, plants should be cut back hard to encourage a second bloom and tidy shape.

To save the summer catmint bounty, harvest when fully grown, and keep the plant picked regularly.

Seed Info
Usual seed life: 5 years.

Companion Planting
Attracts pollinators, but repels aphids, flea beetles, Japanese beetles, ants, weevils, and squash bugs.

More on Companion Planting.